Upgrade your school with High Schoology - School Management System software.
The cost for printing result booklets, question papers and so many other school materials keeps increasing everyday.
With this School software, High Schoology - An Online School Management Software, You Can eliminate that cost by going Digital.
You can:
Get accurate and accessible information about students and activities going on within your school, wherever you are and whenever you want.
It allows parents keep track of their children's performance at their own time and convenience.
Improve student's engagement with active parent participation in their school affairs.
Leol Legend Technologies - Go digital
Parents, Teachers, Students and Admin staff have their own account - Parents portal, Teachers portal, Students portal and Administrative portal.
Teachers will be assigned to the class and subject they teach.
High Schoology - School Management System software makes preparation of result easy.
As soon as the teacher inputs the test scores and exam scores the system automatically calculates the grades, the average and position of each student.
Parents can easily log in with the student login credentials to check test scores and result.
The School stamp and signature will be automatically uploaded in the result an it has a section for Principal, Headmaster, Headmistress.
It allows the Administrator to easily spot the academic performance of their students or pupil.
Try our Digital Solutions today, to help boost your School's Success.
Get started today, and gain the liberty to information that will aid better decision making, running and management of your school at your pace, ease and convenience.
Our goal is to digitize the Education Information Management System with High Schoology.
With High-Schoology - School Management System software, parents can:
- pay school fees
- track student reports
- communicate with teachers & lots more
Teachers can:
- manage student records
- schedule tests
- share assignments
- class notes & lots more.
Schools can:
- manage enrollment
- manage calendar
- manage growth tracking and lots more.
Contact Us:
Visit https://high-schoology.com to learn more or book a free demo.
Our goal is to digitize the Education Information Management System with High Schoology.
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